C.R.O.W.'S Fly East For The Spring.

Rendez-vous at 11am on Friday 11th March at the Re:store (charity furniture shop), 213 Newtownards Road in the cafe space.

Previous CROW walks have been for the most part an itinerary of locations to be visited or some kind of pre-determined path to be followed, rather than exercises in spontaneous route generation where the accidental is whole-heartedly embraced.

We propose exploring the mysterious East using a very simple set of game-like mechanisms. The group is invited to actively participate in quasi-randomly determining the pathway as they go. The object of this expedition is to investigate the city through the act of play.

"Fortune-telling fish, fortune-telling fish, which way should we go?"

The promenade is expected to last about an hour and a half. Rendez-vous at 11am on Friday 11th March at the Re:store (charity furniture shop), 213 Newtownards Road in the cafe space. There is free parking available on the side street around the corner.

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